I was the leader that was burnt out, unhappy with the future I foresaw, and resentful that I post-poned key life goals for the corporate grind...

Today, my light shines authentically and brightly (and yours can too). I weave together the ultimate magic sauce: reiki, channeling, heightened intuition, coaching training, and 15 years of corporate business experience to guide you back to your heart as a leader and in life. I am a bridge between spirit and commerce, regenerative profitability, boundaries, and heart-centered builders.
Yes, you can have your all.

Discover what in your subconscious is holding you back. Shift into greater alignment and swift momentum toward your dreams. 

Ready to unlearn old ways of being?

Did you know the subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your daily thoughts, words, and deeds?

When you're striving to step up into more empowered leadership, make more impact and financial abundance, find authentic and rooted romance, shift your business into a more regenerative (for you, your employees, and the earth) model, yet constantly getting stuck... it's an old mindset, subconscious belief, persona, low self-worth, people-pleasing, and lack of boundaries that are getting in your way. 

Together we will shift so your actions build towards your dreams and align with your words.

investing in you, will pay ample future dividends

my mottos

you'll hear me say these often

"It takes a village"

"A rising tide Raises all boats"

"Thrive where you're planted"

"Create a life you don't want to retire from"

"inner work always leads to positive outer change and momentum"

"your mindset is the lens through which you see the world"

"your words matter.
talk to you like you would your best friend."

Unlock Success: Client Testimonial

"I trust Nicole because she's been there, she's been in the professional scrum and survived it, she's battled the naysayers, she's stepped up when others would not. She leads by example and she inspired me to dig in deeper and see my vision through at Metcalf. I found inspiration again just when I needed it most. As a leader, a father, and a man, I am ready for what comes next."

Nate boyless
ceo metcalf archaeology



clifton strength's finder

Human design

astrological signs

Sag sun, aries rising, cap moon

a reponsible relator who leads with empathy, strategy, & intellect


peacekeeper (9) & helper (2)


in mn in the sign of the monkey, numerologically 11 or 2



levin life coach academy

Get to know your inner CEO

free meditation

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Take the next step towards the business and life of your dreams...

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Working together is SIMPLE, and there is a package for exactly what you need right now!. 

Think working with a coach is the next way to up level your life and business? Find out if we're a good fit.

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