Habit Tip: Mornings

How you begin your day directs the energy for the rest of your day. Mornings are the foundation.

Every habit guru and successful entrepreneur I’ve studied has a solid morning routine that empowers them. Friends doggo not always included but feel free to include any pets or kids of your own!

Mine usually begin with a gratitude filled cup of coffee and a meditation (see below for one created by me!), in no particular order.

During my meditation I’ve asked for guidance on my day and set an intention that all is done for my highest and best, and the world’s too. Then I pull out my full focus planner, look at my schedule for the day and confirm my top 3 key deliverables. I’m still fine-tuning this for my new entrepreneur life, but my phone usually comes last.

Marie Forleo is quoted in saying, “create before you consume.” I’ve heard other thought leaders suggest when you look at your phone first you automatically give your power away.

My 2022 goal is to become a morning runner as movement helps me see clearly. The below zero temperatures are currently making this a little tough, but I know with small changes over time I’ll get there.

What’s a way you could brush up your morning routine to set you up for better success?

Jan 26, 2022

Heart-Centered, Tools


**Many of my posts contain affiliate links. These products I share are ones I use time and time again after choosing from the heart (and also earn income from, at no cost to you). They have changed my life and I hope to ripple that out to you. Thank you for supporting me!

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