Tool to: Connect More Deeply

I keep racking my brain to remember what nudged me to try a card reading the first time, but at this point it was at least a decade ago and is now lost in the jumble of many youtube videos, nights connecting with friends, and many card decks purchased (my favorites are listed below).

Colette Baron-Reid describes her card readings as weather reports, they are not predictive, but prescriptive she goes on to say. A good friend of mine, much less drawn to the woo than me, loves them (and ahem instigates me doing readings at bars 🙄 #secretlyloveit) because of how they get our group to connect more, share more of what’s going on, ask more questions, lean on each other, etc. We stopped talking about the latest trends and romance updates (ok we still talk about that, and the cards tend to love a good romance inquiry), but instead started digging into what was really going on in our lives, our wants, dreams, disappointments.

This is why I love card readings. They have this magic way of of enabling you to get to the root, dig deeper, see from a different perspective, and create shifts. They’ve even been known to connect with a stranger from time to time. I use them for myself personally at the beginning of the month and when I’m encountering a problem I just can’t seem to get clarity on.

If you’d like to learn my best methods from me, book a session for you and your friends here.

Or just check out one of the below decks that calls to you and try it out yourself.

A list of many in my shop at

The best starter deck

For when you’re diving deep

Let me know what you think.

With 💚,


Feb 5, 2022

Heart-Centered, Tools


**Many of my posts contain affiliate links. These products I share are ones I use time and time again after choosing from the heart (and also earn income from, at no cost to you). They have changed my life and I hope to ripple that out to you. Thank you for supporting me!

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