What Are You Enabling?

As I write this blog we are entering into the fourth month of the year and are days away from a big eclipse.

Questions have been buzzing in many of my conversations and internally to myself around enablement, what we’re saying yes to and no to, how are we building what we set out to just three months ago?

Are you enabling your future or are you enabling your fear? Are you sticking to old patterns and ways of being because it’s easy or are you recognizing that they don’t serve where you want to go and diligently working to change them?

Quote by James Clear on whether your habits are serving where you want to go

If you work in any type of business environment you’re tracking how you’ve done so far and using that to look ahead.

When you chart a course to a new goal or a new way of being, when you decide to build or re-build, you will inevitably hit roadblocks and closures along the way. Sadly, many of them will be made by you, your past, your ego, and that part of you that desires to keep you safe.

So, How Do You Get Out of Your Own Way?

There are many tools and tricks to support you in enabling your present and future vs. your past.

The most important top 3:

  • Know your why (and remind yourself of it often): it’s important to ensure that your why for what you’re doing is strong enough to carry you through the hard. Because there will be hard.
  • Surround yourself with support: The next place is to ensure you have a solid foundation of friends, family, and community that you trust to turn to and lean on.
  • Know thy self: the biggest tool of all is your self-awareness. Recognize when you’ve tiptoed back into old ways or are leaning a little harder on your avoidance tactics.

Awareness is the key to unlock change.

Quote from Michael Hyatt on the power of defining your mission and values

Other Important Supplemental Tools

Every time I’ve stepped into new uncharted territory in my life, I’ve found extra support from these:

  • Consistent morning routine to anchor you to you: yes that means not checking your phone first, and likely includes a brief meditation, prayer, and or affirmation.
  • A powerful ally to switch your energy: I know energy healing seems so hokey, but shifting my energy has helped me time and time again.
  • Flower essences: something I never would have thought of before I started following Lotus Wei. She’s actually studied the energetic properties of flowers and has created blends that when used over time show visible shifts in her clients. Two that would be perfect for this topic: Game Changer and Divine Timing.
  • Oracle Card Readings: these tools are not really the best way to divine the future (you and your actions are), but they are great at getting you to ask yourself questions you maybe haven’t wanted to see. A simple two card reading could be… ask while shuffling the cards: what’s the biggest thing getting in my way right now? what’s one action I can take to shift this?
  • Work with a coach that has the tools in their toolkit to support your highest and best forward movement.

Apr 5, 2024

Heart-Centered, Tools


**Many of my posts contain affiliate links. These products I share are ones I use time and time again after choosing from the heart (and also earn income from, at no cost to you). They have changed my life and I hope to ripple that out to you. Thank you for supporting me!

comments from the community

  1. Nancy Nesti says:

    This is a wonderful blog that really hit home Nicole. I appreciate your putting this rigatoni and sharing .

    • Nicole Beaudin says:

      Thank you for taking the time to read and comment! Let me know if any of these tools support you!

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did you try the above? how can we support each other?

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