Grind: A Book Review

Everyone absorbs information differently. Click the above to listen rather than read the below.

Have you ever read a book that was effortless to read or listen to and taught you things you needed to know, made you laugh, and also challenged you to be better?

That was my experience listening to Michael McFall’s first book, “Grind: A No-bullsh*t Approach to Take Your Business from Concept to Cash Flow.”

Before I dive in, this English Lit Major has a confession. I haven’t had time lately to read as much as I like (I know, I know, not only is it an amazing habit to empower me as I age, but it’s an excellent way to learn and gain new perspective). I also generally HATE listening to books. Voices can make or break my experience or if the book is so full of big info I need to stop constantly to write things down. 

The way Michael wrote this book I feel as though I absorbed it. I listened to it at the gym and only stopped once to make myself a note (more on that below). There’s so much good information in it, but it’s done in such a way that you receive and hold onto the simple, consistent messages loud and clear. He’s also the narrator of the audible version, which is always the best option for those with more sensitive ears. 

If you’re a business owner, aspiring entrepreneur, and / or leader at any level in your organization you should read this book.

He covers:

  • The importance of vision and self-awareness
    • What are you working towards?
    • Why is it so important to you?
    • What are your strengths?
    • What are your weaknesses?
    • As my coaching method covers both these and I’ve seen firsthand how the impact of vision and self-awareness of each team member can have on an organization, I especially loved this part
  • Habits and mindset
  • The long slog of the first 5-7 years
  • The consistent dedication needed
  • The sacrifices
  • The critical importance of selling all the time
  • And so much more. 

My key takeaways:

  • I’m not selling enough. To quote him: “if you feel like you’re being aggressive you’re probably not being aggressive enough.” He also shares some very unique, authentic, never pushy ways he and some of his franchise owners have leaned into selling.
    • This one’s a little sticky for me, so I had to do some coaching work on it. Yes I coach myself… My dad was a gifted salesman, but he over-indexed on it. When we could chat on the phone he’d not ask about me or my life, he’d first tell me how many pounds of color he sold, where he was off to next for work, and then we’d end with the weather. He could never take off the salesman hat to just be a dad. 
    • I’ve been great at selling earlier in life, but I’ve denied this trait in myself the past 20 years because I did NOT want to be so one-dimensional. In coaching we teach that all traits are neutral, and when we deny a trait in ourselves we lose the magic to make it our own. So I used my tools to better own this trait that has always existed in me. (we’ll see how the evolution of this in me goes)
  • Are your cost cutting measures getting in the way of your ability to gain more customers?
    • There are a couple of expenses I’ve put off this year, but in hindsight what if those could’ve helped me make greater impact and gain more customers?
  • If I believe in my product and that it will change lives people will thank me for telling them about it
  • Be boots on the ground, mop floors, make all the coffees, understand and connect with your customers. This hands on approach empowers you to refine and iterate your process and product while not sacrificing on your vision and values. 

If you’ve started a business, are thinking about it, or just work in a corporate environment please give this book a try. 

It’s helped me see where I need to improve, what I’ve done well, and motivated me to keep going. 

Learn more about the author here.

Sep 15, 2023

Business, Heart-Centered, Tools


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