Studies show heart frequency senses before the brain as it extends farther out from our bodies. It’s deeply connected to the intuition and what is best for you and the planet. It rarely makes logical sense in the moment. It usually nudges you towards something that’s a bit scary. It trusts that there is always plenty…
Have you ever been in a meeting or walked into a room suddenly to feel something off, heavy, or even negative? This is frequency. It is energy and subtle social cues that we’re sensing.
This post is for all you big dreamers who find yourself doing anything BUT working toward that dream. You know that dreaded procrastination.
I hope to share what I’ve learned about my own procrastination, questions I ask myself to begin to shift, and tools that support me.
Self-awareness is a superpower we all possess. We just need to practice it consistently (like all superheroes), dust off parts of ourselves long forgotten, and maybe sometimes have a special cape.
This months blog post’s goal is to give you access to more ways to harness and nurture your self-awareness and amplify your superpower.
Are you enabling your future or are you enabling your fear? Read on for tools to support the life you’re building while still honoring the past.
It’s a lot easier to make your own luck when your inner dialog is your number one fan. Let me show you how with my proven tactics.
A mission statement is your northstar that guides your everyday choices. So how do you write one that empowers you and your business? And why should you spend the time to do it?
What if I told you discomfort was worth wading through when you’ve identified the task as something that will get you closer to your vision? And that generally, it must be some sort of law of the universe, you will encounter discomfort as you pursue your dreams and your greater purpose.
Be Expansive: To broaden your reach and impact, to feel at once free and in great awe of the magic around you, to feel taken care of (expanding your capacity to receive and give), to feel inspired and to inspire others.
My intuition has been knocking that the most important message for 2024 is to open ourselves up to the possibility of our most expansive future. But how can you be even more expansive than you are today?
Today, 12.12.23 is a powerful new moon in Sagittarius (my sign). Intentions set during the energy of a new moon are amplified. And I was guided to do something I haven’t done in a long time, draw a card that is meant to be a message for me and you. I asked what does everyone […]
As I tuned in and asked God, the universe, and my heart the message that most needed to be shared this month I got lot of blank info at first. Then, after a few days, I thought about the biblical story of Jesus birth and the star that led the wisemen to Him. I also thought about the tradition of lighting candles for Advent and Hanukkah.
I’m sharing 3 gratitude practices that are a little different and aren’t talked about as often. When I’ve implemented these three I’ve noticed powerful changes