Fuel Your Inner Fire

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As many of us know fire can be a very scary, devastating, heart-breaking, life-altering and life-taking force of nature. But something at once so horrible and tragic is also critical for growth and rebirth. There are certain seeds that don’t crack open unless a fire burns over them at just the right temperature. And when that fire is stoked at just the right amount, it keeps us warm and makes delicious s’mores. 

When my own inner fire isn’t consistently tended to, I feel bored, heavy, uninspired, and unworthy. On the flip-side, when I was overworked and under nurtured I burned too hot and suffered burnout. It took me the last 3-5 years to recover my health and other areas of life. 

If you’ve read my previous post, I recommend each of you look at an area of your life that’s ready to be invested in so that the world can benefit from your unique light and you at your best. I know the biggest advice me of today would give 30-something year old me, would have been to find ways to care for, invest in, and fuel my fire consistently rather than having a single investment in my career. A diversified portfolio isn’t just for stocks or your income streams, it’s for all the key pie slices that make up your best life and work together to make your vision for life real. Everything is symbiotic. 

What are some ways you can invest in you and nurture your inner fire?

Below are examples that have worked well for me and are also backed by studies. Many are low cost and take minimal time, but it does help if you commit to doing them consistently (stay tuned for when I talk about the concept of compounding interest in a few weeks). Feel free to download the below and either print out as a reminder or edit directly on your screen in the PDF.

What feels right for you to implement this week and commit to doing as often as possible through the end of the year? What small step done daily will get you closer to your ideal vision for your life? What new action will model amazing behavior to those around you?

Let me know in the comments!

Not sure where to begin when working with someone else to nurture you? Below is a list of my most trustworthy go-to’s when I’m in need of more support.

Energy healing / coaching: Joie has helped me get unstuck and create movement in every area of my life. She also has a variety of offerings and price ranges + a mercury retrograde alignment that I simply won’t risk living without.

Health Coaching: Tyler is not only a great friend, but his programs and his results speak for themselves! His knowledge and curiosity create a great container to shift your health in a positive direction.

Intuitive Holistic Healthcare: Kristin was in my reiki 3 training. Her passion for overall health and wellbeing combined with her knowledge from her time as a nurse practitioner + training in herbs and other healing tools + her intuition make for a potent force for your best health.

Distance Reiki: My reiki teacher offers amazing options for healing remotely (this is something I offer too!), but if you’re curious to learn about others, she’s simply the best.

Coaching: Ready to get unstuck and find greater clarity before you launch into 2024 (how is it 2 months away?!?) or know someone who is? Send them my way! The discovery call will allow us to understand how we can work together or if there’s someone better.

Oct 23, 2023

Heart-Centered, Tools


**Many of my posts contain affiliate links. These products I share are ones I use time and time again after choosing from the heart (and also earn income from, at no cost to you). They have changed my life and I hope to ripple that out to you. Thank you for supporting me!

comments from the community

  1. […] the next post I give examples of investments at all price levels that fuel your fire and level up your […]

  2. […] something you always did in order to make room for better to enter. And if you read my last post on Fueling Your Fire, when fire has too much that fuels it, it burns too hot, too fast, and its devastation runs […]

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