What if I told you discomfort was worth wading through when you’ve identified the task as something that will get you closer to your vision? And that generally, it must be some sort of law of the universe, you will encounter discomfort as you pursue your dreams and your greater purpose. The superhero’s journey, the alchemist, even the story of Jesus all showcase the magic that happens when you move through discomfort and ask for help along the way.
Here are a few areas where you may be choosing short-term fake comfort over your long-term best interests and dreams: a house full of clutter, not working out consistently, staying in a job (or any relationship) that makes you miserable, not having that tough conversation, not sharing how you feel, not putting money into savings, not sharing your needs, not countering that job offer, not providing constructive and timely feedback to your team, not pursuing that dream that lives in your heart even just a few hours a month, not pitching your great idea and holding onto that shy persona…
As I shared with my email subscribers I’ve moved through a lot of muck and embraced a lot of discomfort in the last 5 or so years. It is worth it. Most recently I set a goal to finish a key page on this website, and I was really great at doing everything BUT that. But here’s the thing… it only got heavier and it was holding me back from my vision for this year: of making greater impact and allowing momentum to carry me forward. Websites are amazing at creating momentum, when done correctly. Mine is better today than it was last year, but it still needs some refining.
So how did I finally stop avoiding this task, get started, and finish it?
I share this here in the hopes that you’ll realize calling in multiple reinforcements and setting the scene is OK, especially if it finally gets you moving.
As a highly sensitive person, empath, and intuitive how I feel with the people around me, in my space, and in my clothes can often make or break my bravery to just get started. Here are a few other seemingly simple ways I’ve empowered myself to just begin and move through the muck towards the life I desired.
Often a little bit of movement through the muck in one area of your life will ripple out into other areas. That movement helps you grow trust in yourself and your ability to handle whatever comes your way. It also boosts your self-confidence from the inside out.
Wondering what area you should focus on? See below worksheet and let me know what you think.
I invite you to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths before making any notes. Ask yourself (yes, I know it sounds so hokey, but it WORKS), what is most important for you to know right now for your highest and best and the worlds. It helps to close out the din of the world when doing this kind of work.
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