your map to living a more heart-centered life, through shared knowledge, tips, tools, and community

follow your heart

adverb, adjective

to be, act, and make decisions from your heart rather than your head. 


from latin cor: heart
from the heart


from latin cor: heart
speak || act ||be || live
from the heart

my other writings

Heart at the center of a map

Studies show heart frequency senses before the brain as it extends farther out from our bodies. It’s deeply connected to the intuition and what is best for you and the planet. It rarely makes logical sense in the moment. It usually nudges you towards something that’s a bit scary. It trusts that there is always plenty…

What is Heart-Centered?

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Are you enabling your future or are you enabling your fear? Read on for tools to support the life you’re building while still honoring the past.

Trees showing a quote from Warren Buffett

It’s a lot easier to make your own luck when your inner dialog is your number one fan. Let me show you how with my proven tactics.

Spring Clean Your Inner Dialog

Hydrangea's with their meaning: abundance, heartfelt emotion, and gratitude

Growing our capacity to listen and to do so lavishly from the heart has the power to transform every area of our lives and every relationship we encounter. The cardinal teaches us just that. If you’ve ever watched a cardinal, you can tell when it’s attentively and with deep presence listening.

Listening Changes Lives

How the gray wolf models the art of prioritization and 4 simple steps I use to gain confidence in my ability to prioritize all areas of my life.

The past few months I’ve talked about the power of vision, trusting in the seeds you’ve planted, and intuition, discipline and grit felt like the perfect next chapter in this series. Without a clear vision for your life and dreams it’s difficult to know where to apply grit. It takes great discipline to maintain faith, keep working in spite of not yet seeing results, and to practice honing and following your intuition.

Bee Deliberate with Your Discipline

How do you trust that the seeds you’ve planted in your life are held by healthy soil and will eventually blossom? Channel your inner gardener: prune, tidy, care for the soil of yourself and your life, and trust in the cycles of life.
+ coaching tips & meditation

Tools to Embrace Times of Darkness

To unleash your own magic.

If you’ve read my previous posts I’m making the case that each and every one of us is magic.

Who knew most, if not all blue, is a play of light and a magical feat?

When I stumbled across this information, my curiosity was piqued, and I had to fact check. This rabbit hole led me to learn that this is true!

Light Tricks

Shades of Blue

That we are all indeed magic.

Before sitting down to write this post I did a little research as to the word origin and meaning of “magic.”

My Proof…

Light lifts the fog

September’s theme was given to me as I was working in mom’s yard. The image above was painted by my talented aunt, more on her work here. This beautiful butterfly, scientifically referred to as Limenitis Arthemis, caught my attention as it fluttered by.

A butterfly as inspiration

Self-awareness is a practice that’s made much easier with tools and a support team. My own experience has shown me it is a superpower and is a critical tool to nurture at all levels in an organization.

Self-Awareness, a Superpower

How we lead in our lives and in our careers needs to be reinvented. In order to create a regenerative and sustainable world it’s time to excavate what keeps getting in our way. If each of us taps into and supports ourselves in being our best, everyone will benefit.

It’s Time to Reinvent How We Lead