your map to living a more heart-centered life, through shared knowledge, tips, tools, and community

follow your heart

adverb, adjective

to be, act, and make decisions from your heart rather than your head. 


from latin cor: heart
from the heart


from latin cor: heart
speak || act ||be || live
from the heart

my other writings

Heart at the center of a map

Studies show heart frequency senses before the brain as it extends farther out from our bodies. It’s deeply connected to the intuition and what is best for you and the planet. It rarely makes logical sense in the moment. It usually nudges you towards something that’s a bit scary. It trusts that there is always plenty…

What is Heart-Centered?

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The message the other day in these beautiful leaves scattered about, as if by hand, was on the gifts provided in letting go. I stopped dead in my tracks at the gorgeous play on pattern, texture, and color. First gift…

When my own inner fire isn’t consistently tended to, I feel bored, heavy, uninspired, and unworthy. On the flip-side, when I was overworked and under nurtured I burned too hot and suffered burnout. It took me the last 3-5 years to recover my health and other areas of life. 

Fuel Your Inner Fire

With the current world turmoil and pain it seems strange to be writing about investing in learning the language of your heart and investing in YOU. But that’s the message that keeps banging on my metaphorical intuitive door to be shared…

Invest in You

This week’s message was very clear, regardless of what could happen, enjoy the good in your life, trust it, and let it grow!

Have you ever left a day at the office and thought, huh, why did I respond that way in that meeting? Or why do I keep doing these things I promise myself not to?

Subconscious Clutter Gets in the Way of Profit

Misfit decorations of Christmas past held onto too long... representing what outdated subconscious beliefs can look like in leadership

Have you ever read a book that was effortless to read or listen to and taught you things you needed to know, made you laugh, and also challenged you to be better?

That was my experience listening to Michael McFall’s first book…

Grind: A Book Review

Affirmations seem hokey, right? 

But guess what, they work. And I can say this to you because they have created big shifts in my life and my clients too. 

But… how do they work?

One thing I often hear from my home organizing and purging clients is an overwhelm of where and how to start. My mom felt this too when she started down this path of readying her home for whatever was next after my dad passed.
Read on for my simple tip that promises to get you started.

Pro Tip: Clear the Clutter

It all started with Matt nudging me to make more often and sharing how he started home brewing. In coaching we call that consistency and habits. You have to build the muscle somehow. You have to prove to yourself and the universe that you mean business by backing your words and dreams up with action.

Just Start

Heart-centered and business may not be a connection many make because business and commerce are often viewed as the machine we just need to keep running, no matter what the cost. The research I’ve been doing and what I’m seeing in my founder and executive leadership clients is heart-centered business is exactly what the world needs more of now, especially if we want to keep this earth and the humans on it around for a bit longer.

Food has so much power over our lives. It can be a way we disconnect from or connect to ourselves, our emotions, our community. We can use it to abuse or nurture ourselves. It has the power to heal or hurt. When we take the time to grow our own food we learn cycles and rhythms of the wisdom of nature. We also feel empowered when the world is in turmoil and financially things feel tighter.

Heart-Centered Relationship with Food

A heart-centered home is just this. It’s a sanctuary that aligns with the courageous vision for your life. And yes it can take great courage to get rid of something or many things that no longer fit the vision for your life, it also takes great courage to downsize and renovate. Change is never easy, and changing your home, your anchor, when you recognize what was, is no longer serving what will be is a brave act. 

A Heart-Centered Home