As I tuned in and asked God, the universe, and my heart the message that most needed to be shared this month I got lot of blank info at first. Then, after a few days, I thought about the biblical story of Jesus birth and the star that led the wisemen to Him. I also thought about the tradition of lighting candles for Advent and Hanukkah.
I’m sharing 3 gratitude practices that are a little different and aren’t talked about as often. When I’ve implemented these three I’ve noticed powerful changes
Have you ever noticed how hard it is to clean an area of your house you’ve neglected for a long time? Or how easy it is to clean your house when you’ve tidied up after yourself all week? I remember growing up during the summers it felt like my dad was always weeding.
The message the other day in these beautiful leaves scattered about, as if by hand, was on the gifts provided in letting go. I stopped dead in my tracks at the gorgeous play on pattern, texture, and color. First gift…
When my own inner fire isn’t consistently tended to, I feel bored, heavy, uninspired, and unworthy. On the flip-side, when I was overworked and under nurtured I burned too hot and suffered burnout. It took me the last 3-5 years to recover my health and other areas of life.
With the current world turmoil and pain it seems strange to be writing about investing in learning the language of your heart and investing in YOU. But that’s the message that keeps banging on my metaphorical intuitive door to be shared…
This week’s message was very clear, regardless of what could happen, enjoy the good in your life, trust it, and let it grow!
Have you ever read a book that was effortless to read or listen to and taught you things you needed to know, made you laugh, and also challenged you to be better?
That was my experience listening to Michael McFall’s first book…
Affirmations seem hokey, right?
But guess what, they work. And I can say this to you because they have created big shifts in my life and my clients too.
But… how do they work?
…that pack a big punch when done consistently.
I keep racking my brain to remember what nudged me to try a card reading the first time, but at this point it was at least a decade ago and is now lost in the jumble of many youtube videos, nights connecting with friends, and many card decks purchased…
Every habit guru and successful entrepreneur I’ve studied has a solid morning routine that empowers them. Friends doggo not always included but feel free to include any pets or kids of your own!