Studies show heart frequency senses before the brain as it extends farther out from our bodies. It’s deeply connected to the intuition and what is best for you and the planet. It rarely makes logical sense in the moment. It usually nudges you towards something that’s a bit scary. It trusts that there is always plenty…
Who do you turn to when you’re feeling stuck and not sure what next step to take? How do you recalculate a path that seems, as least in the moment, to be a bit like Ground Hog’s Day? Where do you look when the seas of your life are rocky? Who do you engage with when life is going great, and you want it to only get better?
To unleash your own magic.
If you’ve read my previous posts I’m making the case that each and every one of us is magic.
Who knew most, if not all blue, is a play of light and a magical feat?
When I stumbled across this information, my curiosity was piqued, and I had to fact check. This rabbit hole led me to learn that this is true!
That we are all indeed magic.
Before sitting down to write this post I did a little research as to the word origin and meaning of “magic.”
September’s theme was given to me as I was working in mom’s yard. The image above was painted by my talented aunt, more on her work here. This beautiful butterfly, scientifically referred to as Limenitis Arthemis, caught my attention as it fluttered by.
Today marks a turning point, a major shift in a story of mine. I made a new choice (about a year and a half ago) anchored on what I need to thrive as a highly sensitive human. Today that choice is made real!
What areas of your life are you saying you want a thing to happen, but in reality what you’re experiencing is exactly the opposite?
…that pack a big punch when done consistently.
Just as many of us check the weather before heading out on an adventure, as I’m sitting down to map out my month I tune into a few different sources for guidance as to how to align best with the energies at play. I set a business strategy, intention, and financial goal while also aligning […]
I keep racking my brain to remember what nudged me to try a card reading the first time, but at this point it was at least a decade ago and is now lost in the jumble of many youtube videos, nights connecting with friends, and many card decks purchased…
Lately as I’ve been describing Reiki, I tell people it’s a lot like wifi…
It was almost as if the tulips whispered to me — “Be the orange one. Shine your unique light.” I also love how the pink and white flowers seem to be hugging, nurturing, and protecting their unique friend.